Thinking about quitting your job?

So you’re at the point of seriously considering quitting your job. We all have at some point dealt with a bad day at work or an annoying coworker. Maybe it’s a bad manager, a disrespectful co-worker, or a lack of promotion within the organization. Whatever it may be, something leads you to the path of really considering leaving your jobs. So how do you navigate your emotions and figure out your next move in life and career? Remember at some point you wanted this job, got dressed up, and put on your best face to impress a hiring manager. Maybe you didn’t get the promotion you desired or you require a new challenge.

You should quit your job for the following reasons: 1) having enough savings, 2) finding another great job and 3) taking a sabbatical for mental health.

I know when I left my job after 3 years, I was seeking a new adventure. After 18 months I mastered the role and started to explore new opportunities. I looked deep and wide in the company but I just couldn’t find the next right role for me. The options were limited and I thought of my goal of becoming an executive within the company. I looked at the careers of a few VPs and senior directors in the company and they all had different fancy titles but were essentially doing the same job. I thought maybe going to another department within the company would bring forth new opportunities. The more I tried for other departments, the more I felt I was blocked by upper management. I was good at my current job and they had no real intentions of promoting me or having me move to other departments. After 24 months on the job, I noticed coworkers were becoming negative about my success. People constantly trying to belittle me and break me, I had to leave, I needed to grow. I decided to take an adult gap year to refocus myself and my skills. I carefully weighed the risk and benefits and it was the right move for me.

That is my story, now let’s look at yours. What do you need to make this big decision in life? What factors play a role? Let’s dive into the things you need in place before considering leaving your job.

  • Savings: The most important thing is savings, having savings gives you the options to take advantage of life and opportunities. Get your savings in order before you leave your current job, Calculate how much you need to live off 6 months to a year and have that put aside in your bank.
  • Finding another Job: Start your job search early make sure you start looking for jobs that match your career goals. It’s very hard to build a career, most people will have jobs, and hop from one job to the next job. At my previous company, it took on average about 10 years to get to a middle-management role and another 5 years to be a director. So finding the next job that can provide you with that opportunity for growth is really important.
  • Take a Sabbatical: This option is not talked about often but this is a great opportunity to take 3 to 6 months off work and refocus. This is a good strategy if you’re suffering from burnout or any mental issues related to work. You need a break but want the security to return back to your job or travel the world and focus on job searching while technically employed.

Leaving a job is a difficult decision for anyone, you have to figure out your priorities and weigh the best outcome for your situation. Never forget our simple criteria to determine if this is the right move for you. Remember an adult gap year doesn’t hurt and could be a great opportunity for you to refocus and advance your career further.

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