Lining Up your next Job before you Quit

They often say the best time to look for a job is when you’re already in a job.Job searching while currently employed can result in less pressure and finding the right fit (position, salary and benefits) for you. Would you be able to quit your current job without having another linedup? 


Landing your new job before resigning from your current one is ideal as your resume/ LinkedIn show no employment gaps and you maintain your lifestyle without dipping into your savings. 


The most important skill you can have today in this job marketplace is Marketing. Being able to constantly market yourself will lead to several advancements in your career. For reasons that are self -evident marketing has been traditionally important for entrepreneurs and free-lancers. Recent trends in the job market have made marketing increasingly important. Back in the days, it was not uncommon for an employee to hold a job for 20-30 years and spend their entire working life within one organization. 


In today’s shifting economy everyone is self-employed, the term your the CEO of your life rings true today. You will change more jobs and career in your lifetime than someone 60 years ago. Competition is fierce and knowledge of effective self-marketing (job hunting) techniques can be the difference between getting the job/ career you want or settling for less. There are tools today that allow you to constantly market yourself such as: using LinkedIn effectively, social media and taking professional development courses. Communication your successes with coworkers, managers and directors before asking for your next promotion are necessary steps to market yourself to your coworkers. Whether you know it or not, you are evaluated every day from your first interview to your last day on the job, mastering how you’re perceived by your coworkers is important. Marketing complete package is a matter of Image and Perception. 


At some point you have seen a business that is perceived as being in trouble (even when it’s not) eventually fails due to a lack of consumer confidence. The same is true at the individual level, the person that is currently employed typically has an easier time finding the next job than one who is unemployed. This is again is a matter of perception of success. Not saying you should fake it until you make it, but market yourself with the right amount of emphasis on your skill sets and uniqueness. Your resume is your first marketing document, your linkedIn profile, coworkers, networks and social media are your secondary avenues to market yourself. Approach these avenues carefully with a steady stream of positive information about you and I can assure you you can have your job linedup before quitting your current position or leaving school looking for your first job. 


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