Graduating College without a Job LinedUp

We are approaching graduation season, mid-way through February your first of two midterms would start and soon will be graduation for many seniors completing their degree programs.  Hopefully your university or college has a dedicated career office to help with your job search. Some university career offices might have resources such as: job listings, resume -writing help, career assessment to identify potential career paths and events for networking or professional development. 


One can also, tap their academic network, your professors are not only a resource in the classroom but also in the job market. They can provide letters of recommendations, references and introductions. Some professors are consultants to companies off-campus and have great connections in their field of study. Associate and part-time lecturers will likely be working for other companies full time and teach as a way to give back to their communities.  Your classmates come from various backgrounds and could have connections to the job market as well. Even classmates that are currently looking for opportunities can help as an accountability partner and can share information and leads to opportunities you might have missed. 


Looking at temporary work might be a good chance for you to make some cash before your career making job or for grad school depending on your financial situation. Sign up with agencies that specialize in temp job placements. Also, departments at your university might be losing students hires once the academic year comes to an end and they move on. Keep in mind that temporary jobs can lead to permanent positions within the company if you show up with a positive attitude and excel at your task. It also provides you with a way to connect with other departments and hiring managers within the organizations. 


Now for our specialization, Internships. Internships offer some of the similar upside as temporary jobs without a specified salary depending on your arrangement.  Internships afford you the opportunity to shadow mentors, leaders in industries. These relationships can provide intrustomental to your career over the next 10 years. The connections to other leaders, business strategy and insight into navigating your career to end up in a similar position as your mentor. Internship can be in companies that you are keen on getting into, for example the FAANGs (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) or those traditional hard to getting to positions like investment banking at Goldman Sachs. 


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